Figs in WinterPractice like a Stoic: 1, Discover what’s really in your controlOn Epictetus’s fundamental rule of lifeFeb 314Feb 314
Figs in WinterEpictetus and the wand of HermesDid you know that Stoicism confers a special kind of magical power?Dec 4, 202410Dec 4, 202410
Figs in WinterOn the worth of comedy and tragedyMarcus Aurelius reflects on the social relevance of dramaJun 14, 2024Jun 14, 2024
Figs in WinterLove, kindness, … and Stoicism?A reader asks what’s the relevance of Stoic philosophy to central aspects of our life. Here’s the answerJun 12, 20246Jun 12, 20246
Figs in WinterThe problem of the perverseIf virtue is natural, how come that most people behave unvirtuously?Jun 7, 20247Jun 7, 20247
Figs in WinterWhy Epicureans and Utilitarians are wrong: on the axiology of pain and pleasureMoral philosophers are beginning to incorporate insights from evolutionary biologyMay 29, 20247May 29, 20247
Figs in WinterFrom ancient to new Stoicism: I — Stoic physicsA conceptual map of where Stoicism came from and where it may be goingApr 24, 20247Apr 24, 20247
Figs in WinterThere is no upside to angerHow many readers are going to get angry after reading this?Mar 28, 20245Mar 28, 20245
Figs in WinterThe story of the pale Stoic in the stormStoicism and fear, from the lost Fifth Book of EpictetusMar 27, 20244Mar 27, 20244
InInserting PhilosophybyDouglas Giles, PhDCalmly Resisting the Fad of StoicismThe Pet Rock of self-improvementFeb 28, 202332Feb 28, 202332
InBetter HumansbyMentalcodex | JulfiStoicism is Bullsh*tMaybe it is the key to success, as everyone tells us? Or just another advanced way to make you swallow self-help pills.Mar 28, 202277Mar 28, 202277
Figs in WinterVirtue cannot be the ultimate goodVirtue ethics is, arguably, the most effective general framework for moral decision making. This is because it isn’t in the business of…Jan 3, 202217Jan 3, 202217
Figs in WinterWhat are we to make of weakness of the will?The technical term is akrasia. Is there such a thing? If so, what is it, and how does it affect our lives?Mar 28, 20224Mar 28, 20224
Figs in WinterMusonius Rufus — Lecture XII: On sexual indulgenceStoicism is one of the most ancient and useful philosophies of life, and the first century Roman Stoic Musonius Rufus was one of its most…Jan 24, 20227Jan 24, 20227
Figs in WinterWhich virtue? Prudence vs TemperanceThe ancient Greco-Roman tradition recognizes four principal, or cardinal virtues: practical wisdom (also known as prudence), courage (or…Dec 2, 20211Dec 2, 20211
Figs in WinterBrutus, Cassius, and the philosophy of tyrannicideOn 15th March 44 BCE the would-be tyrant Gaius Julius Caesar was assassinated by 60 Roman Senators headed by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius…Nov 16, 20212Nov 16, 20212
InScience and PhilosophybyFigs in WinterMy Relative, the Anti-Vax Conspiracy TheoristI have a close relative, A., who is a smart woman, with college degree, and who has been able to make a good life for herself in a foreign…Jul 13, 202113Jul 13, 202113